New Years 2018 Resolutions | Sara Hadar
Happy New Years 2018 everyone! With every new year I become more amazed at how quickly the previous year flew by! 2017 was definitely one for the books. In just the past 365 days, I finished my yoga teacher training program, got married to my best friend, went on a mini-moon, got not one but two new jobs & moved into a new home. This year definitely had some of the highest highs but, of course, not without some lows. If you’re 2017 wasn’t all that great (or even if it was), no worries! There’s no better time like the new year to reflect on the previous year and refocus. What went right in 2017? What went wrong? What could have been different (within reason)? I like to take some of that reflection and bring it into my goals/resolutions for the new year! So without further ado.. My New Years 2018 resolutions: Continue to find ways to incorporate environmentally friendly practices into my lifestyle. Over the past year, I’ve been working on becoming more conscious of my actions and how they affect the environment. I want to continue this journey through 2018 and beyond. One of things that I’ve been really, really working on in recent months has been reducing the amount of disposables I use. One way I’ve done this is by making sure to use reusable grocery bags instead of plastic bags, reusable produce bags, and reusable sandwich bags (I love these Stasher ones). I’ve also been working on eating a more plant-based diet. While I do not see myself going 100% plant based (at this time at least), I do make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of meat & poultry I eat on a day-to-day basis. Practice more yoga & meditate While this resolution is pretty self-explanatory, my goal for 2018 is to continue to deepen my yoga practice by continuing to incorporate yoga into my lifestyle, both on and off the mat. I have a really good home practice, but for 2018 I’d like to make it more studio classes and workshops! There are benefits to both a home practice and studio classes, so I want to make sure that I’m getting the benefits of both in order to grow. I also am planning to incorporate more mediation into my practice. I used to mediate fairly regularly with the Headspace application (I highly recommend, especially if you think meditating isn’t for you), and then I just sort of, stopped. I’m working on carving out a specific time each day to meditate. Go outside more. So to be fully honest, this was on my 2017 resolutions list and it just did not happen as much as I wanted it to! Of course I went outside for my daily walks with Theo & I even went to Harper’s Ferry for a minimoon (which was amazing!), but I want to spend way more time outside in 2018! There are so many benefits of just going outside & being surrounded by trees and greenery. So for 2018, I hope to go to the park more with Theo, go on hikes, long walks around the neighborhood! Incorporate more gratitude & love Lastly (but definitely not least), I’d like to incorporate more gratitude and love (self-love counts too!) into my year. Whether it be saying “yes” to more things that bring me joy like bubble baths, walks with Theo, teaching more, trying out new classes, hanging with friends, or saying “no” to the things that don’t bring me joy. What are some of your New Years 2018 resolutions & how do you plan to accomplish them? One of the things I find helpful with resolutions is to be detailed on the WHAT, the WHY, and the HOW. HAPPY NEW YEARS 2018 FRIENDS!
Sara Hadar